The Lee’s Summit – Metheny Connection
In the summer of 1915, Harrison Metheny arrived in Lee’s Summit, MO, a suburb of nearby Kansas City. A recent graduate of Park College and the Finley Engineering School, Harrison was hired as an electrician at the newly constructed Longview Farm.

In the coming years Harrison became active in the Lee’s Summit community as a rural mail carrier, builder, theater owner and automobile dealer.

Metheny Motors in 1926
Mose Metheny, Harrison’s father, was a performer with the traveling Chautauqua shows of the 1880s. But, more about the musical side in a minute.
Harrison’s daughters, Lorene (b. 1917), Mary (b. 1919) and Ethel (b. 1922), and his son David (b. 1928) all graduated from Lee’s Summit High School.

And from 1944 until 1988, Dave Metheny worked for and eventually owned another Lee’s Summit automobile dealership, Burton Motors.

From 1948 until 1957, Dave lived in this house on Market Street with his wife Lois (b. 1927), and two sons Mike (b. 1949) and Pat (b. 1954)…

…which was next door to his boyhood home, also built by Harrison.

In 1957, as Lee’s Summit continued to expand, the Methenys moved to Lakeview Street in the new Bayless Addition, where they remained until 1984.
Following in the family tradition of trumpet players, which included Dave…

The Park College “Parkollegians,” circa 1947
…and Lois’s father, Delmar Hansen (1896-1977)…

The Manitowoc (WI) Marine Band, circa 1930
…Mike would become a professional musician in 1971, tour with the U.S. Army Field Band, teach at Boston’s Berklee College of Music, and record twelve solo albums.

And Pat would make his mark as one of the world’s most prominent jazz guitarists winning numerous polls and awards over the span of a celebrated career, including 20 Grammy Awards as of 2013.

Mike and Pat are members of the Lee’s Summit High School Music Hall of Fame. And in 1998, Pat was inducted into the Lee’s Summit High School Hall of Fame.

Together at the 1998 Kansas City Blues & Jazz Festival
They’ve never forgotten their Lee’s Summit roots.

Featuring the song “Unity Village”

Featuring the song “Lakeview Ballad”
Lee’s Summit and the Methenys:
A lasting connection…

On Market Street in 1951
Back row, L-R: Dave Metheny, Bill Knight, Harrison Metheny, Russell Putman, Vern Meenen;
middle row, L-R: Lois Metheny (with Mike), Lorene Metheny Knight, Edna Artz Metheny, Mary Metheny Putman, Ethel Metheny Meenen;
front row, L-R: Harrison Knight, Ron Knight, Sumner Putman, Lesley Putman.
…with strong family ties.

At Unity Village in 2005
In Memoriam:
- Mose Metheny
(1857-1932) - Anna Williams Metheny
(1867-1925, m: 1885) - Harrison Metheny
(1887-1980) - Anna Meyer Metheny
(1883-1925, m: 1916) - Edna Artz Metheny
(1888-1963, m: 1926) - Gertrude Barber Metheny
(1892-1978, m: 1964) - Lorene Metheny Knight
(1917-2009) - William R. Knight
(1917-2010) - Dr. Ronald Knight
(1943–2020) - Mary Metheny Putman
(1919-2010) - Russell Putman
(1915-1999) - Sumner Putman
(1945-1981) - Ethel Metheny (Meenen) Bricker
(1922-2010) - Vern Meenen
(1912-1988) - Chandler (Meenen) Bupp
(1954-2019) - Delmar Hansen
(1896-1977) - Vera Pfefferkorn Hansen
(1900-1971, m: 1924) - Marilyn Hansen Berkedal
(1925-1980) - Robert Berkedal
(1923-1990) - Lois Hansen Metheny
(1927-2011) - David H. Metheny
(1928 – 2013)
Photo credits:
- Metheny Family Collection
- The Lee’s Summit Historic Preservation Commission
- The Lee’s Summit Historical Society
- The Lee’s Summit Journal
- The Daily Word
- Donald Hale
- Frank Graves
- Beverly Rehkop
- Kathy Smith